Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Love Your Fungus

Yes, I already did the finger fungus thing on my facebook status this week, but I swear this post was written first. But this is much more lifelike because I've included a picture.

My hands have been itching like a sumbitch since 2003. In that time, I calculate that I have purchased nearly five hundred dollars worth of hydrocortisone cream, and more recently, a couple hundred dollars worth of antifungal cream. I could never decide which it was—a fungus or some kind of rash. I’ve recently learned that the hydrocortisone has probably made it worse by suppressing my immunity. Nice. I’ve screwed around so long that I may have any number of dermatoses like impetigo or even something cooler-sounding like Norwegian scabies or sarcoptic mange.

I am so not getting laid at the Clevermax Reunion this Saturday (Scipio, Kansas. Gates open at 11 a.m. Wristbands $10).

Anyway, it’s probably a fungus. I learned this from my veterinarian who unknowingly functions as my personal physician. When my rat terrier had a bump on her nose, he said, “It’s either staph or a fungus. Let’s put it under a black light.” I held her under his black light and saw no green-purple glow. “Yeah, that’s probably staph,” he said. “Let’s put her on antibiotics.” And she got better. And that’s exactly how I diagnosed my hand fungus. I took our black light into the bathroom and shut the door with the lights off. It glowed so pretty I had to call Tessa to check it out. She said it was cool.

I’d post a photograph of it, but I’m a rotten photographer. On the other hand, I’m a good cartoonist, so I just drew a picture of it. This is exactly what it looks like under a black light.

Tessa says people love visual aids.

Now, she makes me scrub with steel wool and apply jock itch medicine to it twice a day. It’s not helping, yet, though. Time for another trip to the vet, I suppose.

Why doesn’t Tessa get the fungus? Beats the hell out of me. I touch her all day, every day. I don’t use gloves much because my hands are so big the gloves rip out. Probably I’m just washing my hands too much. I understand that the bacteria on our skin helps keep the fungus in check. Cool, huh? So that may explain why Tessa is immune to my fungus. She has rank upon rank of Staphylococcus epidermidis eating up the fungus and guarding her skin like the Holy of Holies it is. On the other hand, I could be making that up. I just never know.


Pearl said...

Interesting, funny, and just a wee bit disconcerting.

Once again, Fred delivers.



TessaLeFae said...

My cooties kick your cooties' asses! Woot woot woot!!!

Fred Miller said...

Thanks, Pearl. That means a lot coming from you. And just remember. Tessa's cooties rule!

Unknown said...

shiny happy cooties...

and let me tell you about this tough SOB I know
when he recently had open heart surgery the doc nicked his lung or something..he was in a lot of pain...but this old coot, he's 90, walked a half mile to the Dr's office, in 95 degree heat, just to tell the Doc that he would have fared better going to a vet.

Your vet quote kinda prompted this rant...sorry...


Fred Miller said...

This runs in our family. When my cousin's girlfriend split his head, he went to his ex-wife, a veterinarian, to have it stitched.

CarryABook said...

Dunno what this says about me, but I'm more comfortable reading about the gases escaping from holes in our butts than reading about the fungus on our hands.

Fred Miller said...

I totally agree, Taran. Fungus is what makes bread rise and beer bubble. We fry it in butter and scatter it on omelets. It belongs in our FOOD, not on our skin!

Love you, Pal!

James said...

Hi Fred Thank you very much for the nice comments. I think you see the world in a very interesting way too. You are able to express it very well with words. I can barely write a readable sentence thank God for cameras. :)

Emmy-Ann said...

suggestions for new names for your site from emily's dad maybe you should name it the blog fredwood as you get older your unit will be in rhyme as it deadwood over 42 some perrrrformancessssss begins to change or the laaaadieessss may have a different interpitation of the wood in your title
love brother john

Fred Miller said...

James, that means a great deal to me. Everyone should stop by Newtown Area Photo. James' photography will grab you. You won't forget it.

Fred Miller said...

Now, John. Have you started drinking without me? Are you going to have anything left for the Clevermax Reunion tomorrow?

I'm totally going to save the idea of fredwood. I may just buy the domain name. Thanks for the idea, Bro!

Anonymous said...

It's Emily again. I just have one question: Did you really have on a collared shirt with dollar sign cuff links on when you went into the bathroom with the black light?

Fred Miller said...

Sorry, Emily. No. I added the cufflinks to make it look more professional. It's hard to look professional with fungus welts on your hands. I had to try everything I could

Emmy-Ann said...

OMG FRED!! THAT WASNT ME ON THE LAST ONE!. Do you know 2 emily's? cuz if not, that was my dad...! gr

Fred Miller said...

He must've been plowed:) I'm going to call him Emily for a few years, now.

cathy said...

Vets are good but a bit old fashioned, Google is the new doctor. I diagnosed my scaly patch elbows looking at pics of skin deseases.

Google also tells you stuff about meds that the doctors keep secret.

I'm looking forward to the day when my PC will have add ons to cure everything... We'll be able to have open heart surgery and accept hugs on facebook at the same time. Awesome!